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Text File | 1994-04-13 | 15.5 KB | 368 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- ______________________________________________________________
- Please: Do not send me personal letters with questions, etc.
- There are two mailing lists about Nuntius. NUNTIUS-L is for
- questions, answers and general discussion. NUNTIUS-ANNOUNCE-L
- is a moderated, low traffic list for announcements ONLY (such
- as for new versions, bugs, etc.). All messages to the
- announcement list are cross-posted to the discussion list.
- To subscribe to the lists, send the following in the body of a
- message to "listserv@cornell.edu":
- SUBSCRIBE NUNTIUS-L your real name
- or
- where "your real name" is something like "Hans Jensen".
- Any questions about list subscriptions should be sent to the
- Nuntius mailing list administrator, Aaron Freimark
- (aaron@med.cornell.edu).
- ______________________________________________________________
- Know bugs in latest version of Nuntius
- Nuntius can't find it's preferences file.
- Workaround: run Nuntius on another mac, and copy the
- "Nuntius private files" folder
- (located in the preferences folder in the system folder)
- to your mac.
- This bug is sometimes easy to reproduce and sometimes not.
- Sometimes the "Quit" menu item is grayed out. I would like
- to get feedback on this, as I only have experienced it once
- Hitting the space key several times in a row while displaying
- the text of articles may freeze the mac.
- ______________________________________________________________
- Bugs fixed and improvements.
- 1.2 final.
- Removed extra "TCHR" resource (backup of "Latin1/DK-ASCII")
- Temporary preference files are now deleted.
- Submenu of grouplist documents should not be empty anymore.
- Save article uses NewsServer translate tables.
- 1.1.4b2:
- X-Date header is now 1994 instead of 94.
- X-UserAgent changed to X-Newsreader.
- Bug in (scan subject of) extracting binaries fixed.
- 1.1.4b1
- Thread Unit rewritten. Has now support for 3 implementations of threads:
- 1) Apple's Thread Manager extension
- 2) My own setjmp/longjmp implementation.
- 3) My own copy stacks into handle (the old "d e v e l o p" type).
- #3 is always used on MacPlus, as they have a bug in the ResourceMgr
- (Apples ThreadMgr are not compatible with MacPlus either).
- #1 is used if present, otherwise #2
- -
- Better MacTCP code: issues read only when something *is* received.
- Reduced number of segments -> should load a little faster, or just for fun.
- Better handling of windows menu.
- Faster (network) read of preferences files.
- All windows are now edited in AdLib, making it easier for other
- appls to read the 'View' format.
- The new-user is now able to edit server-prefs before Nuntius tries to
- do anything with the server.
- NewOptions: authentication when openening a NNTP connection, and not
- postponed until the server asks for it.
- Able to close list of threads window, while extracting binaries.
- Alert if cancelling while Nuntius is posting an article, as it may
- be posted anyway. (No support in NNTP for aborting an operation).
- Better mapping of chars in US/DK-ASCII tables (quotes, accents, etc).
- If the specified translatetable is not available, Nuntius will just
- post an alert without quitting.
- ArticleWindow-update bug fixed.
- NewFeature: ROT13 implemented.
- NewOption: one can alter the rate at which Nuntius checks for new articles
- If some of the saved articles is not available, Nuntius will tell you, and
- save the available articles.
- Appends UNIX mailbox "From" header in Notes files: can be browsed by Eudora.
- Fix for crash if local prefs was denied by the "Eudora document Trick".
- Warning if running an old pre-final version (I just got tired of getting
- too many bug reports for old versions). Tells to upgrade.
- Checks the Preferences folder for changes much more seldom. Better GUI
- response when the folder is located at a server.
- NewFeature: can start check for new articles manually.
- NewFeature: assigns commandkeys 1-9 to items in the grouplist submenu.-
- -
- The code doing all the "post article/followup" windows has been reworked,
- but should be rewritten from scratch. Until then, it may be unstable.
- 1.1.3
- "Talk with system adm" bug fixed.
- New splash screen with the real version number (read from vers resource).
- 1.1.2 final:
- No more experimental.
- Reworked some code to avoid freeze crashes.
- It will not switch to ISO-2022 if you have only installed one script system.
- (To avoid displaying some articles in Chicago).
- All filemgr calls are now async and buffered:
- (AppleShare users _will_ notice it)
- Fixed bug in checking for blocking local prefs: if the preferences folder
- contains an alias to the real "Nuntius personal files", Nuntius will not
- abort anymore but silently resolve the alias.
- 1.1.1d27:
- *** Still experimental ***
- Support for ISO-2022 indication, but does not remember the indication
- across lines. Posted articles does always end in Roman state.
- (For US/European people: is able to encode Katakana/Kanji, but not flawless).
- You have to format the articles with newlines yourself, Nuntius doesn't
- try do to anything like that at all when it uses this encoding,
- it doesn't even look for spaces. The character set translate table is not
- used when Nuntius detects articles posted with ISO-2022 (or posts itself).
- Look in the Prefs/Editor menu for using ISO-2022 when posting.
- Thanks to Shigeru Kanemoto for the ISO 2022 conversion code.
- 1.1.1d26:
- Some low-level code for memory handling have been improved. Rebuild the
- list of all groups is 5 times as fast on my mac. (no promise for your mac).
- This version may be unstable as it is not tested much, so
- *** please don't distribute it to the rest of the world ***
- I'll let you know when I think I it's stable.
- As I don't need the same bug reported by 400 people, only 40 :-)
- 1.1.1d25:
- Option for specifying max number of articles in group database.
- !!! This should reduce the needed amount of memory needed !!!
- Clicking outside text in grouplists, will deselect. (I listen, I listen)
- Found & fixed bug causing "In TPeriodicThread::GoSleep, fThreadCmd was not gone".
- 1.1.1d24:
- Fixed charset translation in copy/reply etc. (double bug actually)
- 1.1.1d23:
- Rewrote code to close MacTCP connections if Nuntius is aborted (cmd-opt-esc),
- or a fatal error occurs.
- Added Transparent charset, look at Prefs/NewsServer.
- Lookups the servers IP at launch. Performs basic tests if it changes.
- 1.1.1d22:
- Tried to fix "1 in list of USED TProgress", but have disabled the report
- as the error doesn't matter.
- When trying to display unavailable articles, their status are set to read.
- If all text in an article is selected, it will be deselected if clicking
- wihtout modifierkeys.
- 1.1.1d21:
- Fixed a bug in choosing files: didn't show anything resonable.
- Fixed some bugs in the new uudecoder.
- 1.1.1d20:
- Fix for "TObjectCache::Free(), Has 1 object in list of USED TProgress"
- - but untested as I can't reproduce it.
- Kills MacTCP stuff in Nuntius heap if forced quit
- 1.1.1d19:
- If the shiftkey is down, Nuntius will not decode the BinHex
- (just save it).
- More classes is pointer based.
- 1.1.1d18:
- BinHex decoder implemented. Will decode the binhex, not just save
- the text.
- The same appl for extracting the saved BinHex is used for
- the decoded binhex.
- 1.1.1d17:
- Added new news server translate tables:
- "Latin1/US-ASCII (In/Out)" (default for new users)
- "Latin1/DK-ASCII (In/Out)" (for Danish users)
- Translates subject & from headers too
- balloon help in list of all groups too
- Fixed bug in translate of 8 bits chars when posting article
- Better at reporting fatal errors to me
- Fixed "In TPeriodicThread::GoSleep, fThreadCmd was not gone"
- Fixed "In TGroupListDoc::Free, had fPeriodicCheck"
- 1.1.1d16:
- Fixed bug in finding database file for groups with long names (>29 chars)
- this caused the mac to hang when Nuntius tried to open such a group
- (bug introduced in d14, and did trash a lot of disks, sorry)
- Fixed bug in errormessages.
- Expires threads when all of the articles have been expired at the server.
- - or no new articles have been added the last 3 days and the first
- article have been expired at the server
- 1.1.1d15:
- Fixed bug in killing processes for periodic task like updating groups
- (fixes "In TPeriodicThread::GoSleep, fThread was not killed")
- Reserved more memory for low memory situations
- Stops updating processes etc when in low memory situtation, but
- user can still abort updating etc.
- Fixed bug in disposing thread when it was not started
- (eg not enough memory to create it). This caused some
- "TThread::Free: 'this' is not gCurThread"
- Fixed bug in asking for password (cleared local copy unless it was
- stored in the prefs)
- 1.1.1d14:
- Generates TeachText with description of fatal bugs instead
- of asking the user to take a snapshot. Reports available memory too now.
- Fixed bug in killing processes when quitting Nuntius
- Fixed bug in forking processes
- Fixed bug in killing a process (showed up when killing >1 processes)
- Quote char is in STR# (actually template)
- 1.1.1d13:
- Have written my own process manager (instead of using the
- library from "d e v e l o p" #6). This should fix the
- fatal errors "returned from EndThread(devThread)".
- Recognizes "too many users" strings for nntp error 400
- Expires threads only when the first article is not available at the
- server, and no new articles have been added the last 3 days
- Other fixes (lost this file due to bug in MPW script...)
- 1.1.1d12
- Max articles in XHDR command batches is preference
- (utilize news server disk cache feature)
- Reserves much more memory for threads: should avoid the fatal bug:
- "In TThread::Free, returned from EndThread(devThread);"
- Able to translate characters in articles: Prefs/NewsServer
- 1.1.1d11:
- Remembers {which groups that is updated} between sessions
- Able to check/uncheck "Launch mailer with document" in Prefs/Mail dialog
- 1.1.1d10
- Tries only to save printinfo in group lists if it exist
- Close window-with-new-groups crash fixed
- Checks for new groups first, then updates database
- Long window names are smTruncMiddle in window menu
- 1.1.1d9
- Quit-group-while-update fatal freeze bug fixed.
- This bug sometimes got Nuntius to complain about fatal error
- "TObjectCache::Free(), Has 1 objects in list of in-use PRealNntp"
- Yet another "Mark as" bug fixed (will this ever end?)
- If the group is opened from the ListOfAllGroups, and the
- public/private files does not exist, they will not be created/saved
- Max size of article cache *before* fecthing new articles is now
- a preference (menu Prefs/Misc)
- Able to handle bogous "ready" msg from ANU news server when your
- mac has no dot name
- Nuntius wont open 'PREF' files created by other appls.
- Progress bar does not work too fast/much when updating a group
- Macs without dotnames can post again, but path header etc are omitted.
- Long pathnames are smTruncMiddle in preferences dialogs
- You can choose the desktop folder when being asked for a folder
- Save article always saves the headers.
- 1.1.1d8
- Another "Mark as xxx" bug fixed and even better (faster) now.
- Can update database in background.
- You can always quit if you hold down the control key while
- clicking in the menubar (hack due to bug).
- Show xxx threads _preference_ is separated from the
- show xxx threads _command_
- Able to use port other than 119: write number after newserver name
- like telnet
- Can cancel posted articles
- Able to auto check for new groups at startup
- "Check for new groups" menu item changes to "Rebuild list of all groups"
- if option key is held down
- Upgraded to MacApp 3.0.1 from 3.0.0
- Will not post article if not edited
- Bug in getting own dotname fixed (showed up at random)
- 1.1.1d7
- Small arrows works again (d6 recompile bug)
- Fetches headers in small batches to utilize servers diskcache
- Date header in saved articles too
- 1.1.1d6
- You can choose your Eudora Settings file as signature file
- Expand xxx articles _preference_ is separated from the expand xxx
- articles _command_
- Can extract uuencoded binaries without starting separator
- 1.1.1d5
- Better errormessage when Nuntius can't get its own dot-name
- Better to scan subjects for uuencode binaries:
- can skip past resolution codes
- Better detection of uuencoded blocks: first line must start with 'M'
- Shows Date header too in articles
- Can open preferences dialogs even if aliases cannot be resolved
- 1.1.1d4
- Fixed bug in optimized "Mark selection as..." when all
- threads are selected
- 1.1.1d3
- Mark as xxx is much faster when all threads are selected
- Able to create message-id and date headers
- Currently created as X-Date and X-Message-ID
- Bug in getting own dotname fixed
- 1.1.1d2
- Headergeneration much more flexible,
- look at STR# named kPostArticleHeaderStrings
- Better at sorting multipart binaries:
- '|', ':' and '-' are separators too now
- bad subjects are ignored
- subjects starting with "Re:" are ignored
- Saving articles: long/short header and separator is added
- New feature: can save selection in note file
- 1.1.1d1
- Remembers editor, extractor and mailer by alias instead of signature.
- Needed as the desktop manager can contain references to non-existing
- appls and will not work with appls on non-mounted volumes.
- Can launch application with "minimum memory", instead of requiring
- the normal partition.
- Error message is now corrected.
- "Path:" header is in STR#, specifies user name too for
- maximum compability with old news server software
- 1.1 final
- Doesn't forget to ask "save changes?" when closing _new_ group lists.
- Closing article window while it's fetching the articles
- no longer crash
- 1.1b3: Bug fix release:
- Bug in list of articles when some of the articles are too old
- to be kept at the server (displayed with "n.a." is list of threads).
- Bug in error message when testing server for XHDR command is fixed
- (reported as "is missing basic groups").
- 1.1b2: Bug fix release:
- Launch-Nuntius-by-double-click-on-a-group-list bug is fixed
- 1.1b1: Bug fix release.
- More MacApp3/d e v e l o p bugs fixed
- Better to remember window positions for group lists.
- 1.1a5: Major bug fix release:
- many MacApp 3.0 / d e v e l o p threads incompability
- problems fixed
- Prints always only one page horiz.
- 1.1a4 New features version:
- support for authentication
- 1.1a3: New features version:
- triangles in the list of articles
- marking of articles
- saves window positions
- update of list of all groups
- change to MacApp 3.0 final, caused a lot of
- problems and crash bugs.
- 1.1a2: first major release of version 1.1
- Fixes earlier than 1.1a2 have not been recorded, sorry.